Crypto trade and investment is not easy task to do. No doubt crypto trade has proven itself and has attracted a lot of potential investors globally, helping them yield handsome profits. But, it does carry some complications and minute study of every aspect relating to the trade. Thus, to do a comprehensive study one prefers to work through a computer/laptop.
If you are a tech-savvy person and want to work on a computer/laptop, here is good news for you.
Guess what?

Hold on!! Let me break the suspense.
Crypto investors can now use the crypto wallet on their browser with the Coinbase wallet extension. Just like the crypto wallets you can also access this wallet with the help of an extension. We will be diving into the complete detail of the extension starting from understanding its meaning.
Checking out the Coinbase wallet extension
Coinbase wallet is now supported by an extension. Extensions are the gateway to exploring blockchain and numerous decentralized applications. The extensions are a way to ease users' handle their crypto wallets through the desktop/laptop. Talking of this wallet, there is a single extension launched to date – Chrome. If you wish to manage your crypto wallet through a computer/laptop, then you'll have to first get a Chrome extension launched on your device.
Connecting a hardware wallet with the crypto wallet
In this section of the read, we will learn the steps of how to connect a hardware wallet with the Coinbase wallet. Give a quick peep below:
Install the Coinbase wallet extension from the Chrome web store
Open the wallet extension, and then tap on “Import an Existing Wallet”
Click on “Connect Ledger Wallet”
Plug in the Ledger device
Click “Connect”, after selecting it from the pop-up window
Confirm that the Ethereum app is open on your Ledger device
Review and accept the request
Sign in again on your Ledger after creating a username
Well done!! Your hardware wallet is now connected to this wallet
Summing it up!!
Hope so, that you might have gotten an idea of how to connect a hardware wallet to your Coinbase wallet extension. Connecting a hardware wallet with the crypto one securely stores the user’s data safely. In case of any guidance, users can get in touch with the support team any time.